Tagged with rational emotive behavioural therapy

The Albert Ellis Irrational Beliefs Table

The Albert Ellis Irrational Beliefs Table

Become your own therapist through literally learning ‘how to be happy’ through applying rational thinking skills. Cool yourself down into a moderate calm thinker with the renowned and powerful Albert Ellis rational thinking table. Use it. Love it. If you accept the theory that our brains have been cobbled together by evolution, and are not … Continue reading

Apply the Albert Ellis ’12 irrational beliefs and disputing statements’ to your thinking…

Apply the Albert Ellis ’12 irrational beliefs and disputing statements’ to your thinking…

The post outlines the work of psychologist, Dr Albert Ellis, who developed Rational Emotive Behavioural Therapy (REBT), which later morphed into CBT. Recognised for his significant impact on psychology, and as a founding father of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, Ellis posited that our negative emotions and self-destructive behaviors are largely caused by irrational thought patterns. His therapy focusses on challenging these patterns, by fostering rational ‘self talk’ and then applying healthier thinking. He outlined 12 typical irrational beliefs and contrasting disputing statements as a guide to achieving a more balanced, satisfying life. Continue reading