New – one hour zoom seminars for the workplace

Book a one hour group training presentation via zoom – €395 – introducing practical CBT models for stress awareness and self regulation – fast, fun and engaging, live presentation by Veronica Walsh using strong imagery and key ideas – with accessible CBT resources for attendees to further the learning by themselves to themselves in their own time afterward…

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NEW – book a one hour group training zoom seminar for a fast, fun, and engaging introduction to CBT for awareness and self regulation – €395.

: attendees will learn how to use Cognitive Behavioural Therapy skills and techniques to understand and manage personal and professional stress – with access to free CBT resources to continue the work at their own pace and in their own time after the session.

Skills learning summary: this presentation introduces the cognitive science of psycho-educational models – from classic CBT through to the new science of neurobiology and dysregulated nervous systems.

You may choose to host and record the zoom session yourself – with in-person attendees and dial in attendees, maybe at a lunch & learn where you provide refreshments – or I can provide the link and host it at any time to suit your convenience.  

You can choose from my standard presentation, or request a bespoke presentation to address a particular issue.

Assured ROI – Check out testimonials for Veronica Walsh training

Trainer: Veronica Walsh – CBT BrainSkills Training, 30 Wicklow Street, Dublin 2, Ireland – 353 86 8113031 – 

Mail or call me at 0868113031, to request more information – or to request availability slots for booking – or to request a training needs assessment for bespoke training modules.

Other options available – pricing assumes Dublin City Centre – contact me for a quotation if outside that area, or for a bespoke quotation:

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