CBT Dublin – Free Downloadable Cognitive Behavioural Therapy Worksheets/Handouts

Scroll down to browse and download my free CBT worksheets and handouts and workbook extracts, old and new through the years – (proven client friendly resources for therapists and engaged learners). Or go to my PDF extracts page to download chunky workbook extracts HERE.
MillionViewPic Note to therapists: This blog has over 1.3 million visitors, and these downloadable CBT resources are used by mental health professionals all over the world. ©VeronicaWalsh, no re-branding for redistribution without permission – but ask me if you’d like to use them with your clients, I bet I’ll say yes! (scroll down to make a request through a reply/comment here on this post, or use my contact form, or email me at veronica@CBTandFeelingGood.com).



Important: turning your new learning into new thinking and behaviour takes discipline – it requires you to build awareness of the way you think and feel and behave, and to develop the skills of awareness and self management, to examine and (literally) change the thinking when it’s distorted and irrational (thought stopping and replacing distorted self talk with realistic rational precise self talk). It requires that you examine and change your behaviours when they show a pattern of being self limiting, or self defeating, or self sabotaging. And it requires you to learn that ‘feelings are not facts’. It’s fascinating and effective. When we know better, we do better. This post offers you pick and mix downloads of handouts and worksheets and mini-workbook extracts – the list is concise and accessible, and sorted into a helpful order. They will help you to:
  1. JOURNAL with ABCD tables, mapping: A, the activating event or situation – B, the beliefs and thoughts about the situation – C, the consequential feelings & behaviours – and D, disputing the thoughts and beliefs with rational reframing. You will find you use the same style of distorted thinking across many situations, so if the journalling is done right once for this style, it’s done right forever, building a mental toolbox for self managment – the same findings can be applied as an ‘in the moment mental task’ over and over again to different situations, (without the need to journal every problem in your life forever). If you put the initial work in, it will pay dividends forever – bake it in. We cannot efficiently examine our thinking and beliefs without writing them down, the distortions are in your face and obviously identified when you see them in black and white, but they appear rational and plausible when left whizzing around in a mixed up jumble in your head.
  2. Work through the various tried and tested exercises to find what works for you.
  3. Thereafter develop and hone the skills of ‘thought stopping’, changing your self talk and emotional reasoning by reminding yourself of your findings and conclusions and disputes. This will eventually be done by keywords that prompt association – mental tasks in a flash.
  4. All of this will help you develop new healthy alternative automatic thinking, and new healthy alternative behaviours. Helping you to become more calm and tranquil, with a more moderate temperament.If you make this approach your philosophy for living, evidence says that it is something you will begin to do automatically after the short to medium term – you can literally rewire your brain to make rational thinking and good coping skills your natural state.
Trippy CBT BallKnowing and understanding the theory of CBT is very important. But on it’s own it’s not enough to make really effective and lasting changes. For CBT to truly work you need to APPLY APPLY APPLY. And APPLY again. You don’t learn to ride a bike by reading a book about it. Skill up with the resources I provide here. Top Tip!: click the green ‘Your Trippy Nervous System’ ball to open a new window to my concise mini-workbook that gives a fast track intro to New CBT and understanding and regulating your amazing brain and body …
CBT is a science, believe it. And science is magic that works. Good luck and enjoy….

The PDF downloads gallery:

Or open the PDF gallery page in a new window for a handy grouping : LINK TO NEW PAGE
Click to listen to my 15 minute guided muscle relaxation audio plus guided imagery for confidence and positive mindset: . . Click to listen to my 10 minute audio of the interview I did with TodayFM’s Neil Delamare on ‘CBT for Public Speaking Anxiety’: . . Click to listen to my short interview with NewstalkFM’s Breakfast Business Show on ‘CBT to manage stress in the workplace’: . . Click to a 10 minute interview I did with 4FM on an ‘introduction to CBT’: . . Click to listen to my 3 minute guide to controlled belly breathing for anxiety: .

367 thoughts on “CBT Dublin – Free Downloadable Cognitive Behavioural Therapy Worksheets/Handouts

  1. Pingback: The CBT of the ‘Two Wolves’ philosophy | Veronica Walsh's CBT Blog Dublin, Ireland

  2. Pingback: 250+ Sites with Free Therapy Worksheets - mind remake project

  3. Pingback: The communication skill of LISTENING with cognitive awareness (CBT Dublin Ireland) | Veronica Walsh's CBT Blog Dublin, Ireland

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  6. Pingback: An CBT thought reframe example: | Veronica Walsh's CBT Blog Dublin, Ireland

  7. Pingback: A CBT journaling / thought form guide template | Veronica Walsh's CBT Blog Dublin, Ireland

  8. Pingback: Super Simple CBT models – think/feel/behave | Veronica Walsh's CBT Blog Dublin, Ireland

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  11. Hi Veronica! May I ask your permission to use your worksheets with my clients for their individual sessions. These would really help my clients. Thank you in advance!

    Liked by 1 person

  12. Pingback: Low Frustration Tolerance CBT Imagery Guides | Veronica Walsh's CBT Blog Dublin, Ireland

    • Hi Reshia – great, yes, I’m delighted they’re of use – please assume permission to use any of my materials in your work (as long as they are not rebranded for redistribution). Stay in touch! Best regards, Veronica

      Liked by 1 person

  13. Hi Veronica, I’ve just come across your website – wow! I would love to use some of it with my clients and therefore am seeking permission please.


  14. Pingback: A CBT look at Emotional Reasoning and Thought Stopping | Veronica Walsh's CBT Blog Dublin, Ireland

  15. Pingback: The CBT of Paper Tigers and your trippy nervous system / anxiety. | Veronica Walsh's CBT Blog Dublin, Ireland

  16. Pingback: Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (Dublin, Ireland) – The Revolution in Psychotherapy – “thinking about thinking…” | Veronica Walsh's CBT Blog Dublin, Ireland

  17. Dear Veronica, I enjoy spending time on your website. Your material is excellent. I would love to use some of your materials with my clients. Would you grant me permission thanks


  18. Hi Veronica, I’m a psychologist in Christchurch, New Zealand and would love to have access to your excellent CBT resources. I agree not to rebrand for distribution or reproduce for profit in any way. Hope all going well with you.
    Thanks so much,


  19. Hi Veronica,
    I am a outpatient therapist who does group therapy. I would like permission to use some of your worksheets with my patient. I will not rebrand for redistribution or in no way reproduce for profit.




  20. Hello Veronica, thank you so much for sharing your work with all of us. I’m a counsellor student and would like to use some of your sheets in our group study sessions as we currently learn about CBT. Is that ok? Have an enriching week. Best wishes, Maxi-Martina


    • Hi. You’re welcome! I’m delighted they’re of use to you. Yes, please assume full permission to use any of my materials (as long as they are not rebranded for redistribution). Best regards, Veronica


  21. Hello Veronica – I work as a peer counselor with ladies who have had all kinds of violence used against them. I would like to know if you could give your permission for me to use your worksheets?


    • Hi Lillian. Yes, please feel free to assume permission to use any of my work (With no rebrand for redistribution). In fact, would you like a draft copy of my full PDF workbook to try out and review? Regards, Veronica


  22. Hi Veronica,

    I’d like to use some of the worksheets with my clients. I’m currently under supervision and have started working with clients, the materials would be very helpful.
    Since I’m from Serbia is it ok if I translate the ones I use (again only for work with clients, nothing else)?

    Thank you in advance,


  23. Hi Veronica

    I am a dad.
    I am an engineer.
    I am an open-source fanatic.
    I am a self-development fanatic.

    My middle daughter wants to study psychology.
    Engineers tend to battle with EQ and relationships.
    I USE, SHARE and APPRECIATE high-value self-help resources.

    I shared your site on our family’s Life-Skills group.

    I am not sure how to let you understand how much I admire you sharing this.

    Thank You!


  24. I would love to use some of your worksheets with adult clients in Midlothian, VA USA – you explain some things better than I do and I think your handouts would be great for group work whenever we can get back to that. No re-branding – we don’t do any group wide material in this practice. Thanks so much.


  25. Hello,
    I’m a therapist working with adults and teens. I’d really like to use some of these worksheet/resources you have posted here in working with clients. Would that be alright to do?
    Thanks so much


  26. Pingback: A CBT look at the Mean Girls Bullying of Exclusion | Veronica Walsh's CBT Blog Dublin, Ireland

  27. Hi Veronica
    Please may I refer one of my clients that I am working with online during the lockdown to your free downloads. Your worksheets are brilliant.


  28. Hi Veronica,

    I just came across your material and loved it! I was impressed with the easy to understand explanations for clients to learn and use.
    I would love to have your permission to use these with my clients. I promise not to replicate to sell but print on occasion for a session’s handout.


    • Hi Charlene. Thanks! Yes, you have permission to use any materials you like* – hope your clients like them. Regards, Veronica
      *as long as they are not rebranded for redistribution


  29. Pingback: Sites with Free Therapy Worksheets & Handouts – Mind ReMake Project

  30. Hi Veronica. These are fantastic thank you for providing them here! I’d like to ask your permission for use with my clients. Thank you Michael


  31. Hi Veronia, my colleague recommended your blog. I am a mental health nurse and would like to use some of your resources! Can I have your permission to use them? I will not be rebranding them for distribution. kind regards, lisa


  32. Hi Veronica, I am a LMFT working in the school system in S.C. I would like your permission to print and use your materials with my clients. I would not be rebranding any of your materials. Thank you.


  33. Hi Veronica, I love your worksheets! I am a psychologist in Australia, and would like our permission to print and use your material with my clients. I would not be rebranding any of your material or using them for profit, and I will of course give you credit for all your work.


  34. Hi Veronica,
    I am a second year postgrad student and I am halfway in obtaining my 100hours which I need for my course. Could I possibly use your worksheets with my clients? I will not rebrand them.

    Thanks in advance (hopefully)


  35. Hi Veronica, I’m a counsellor in Malaysia. I was so delighted to find your page and materials while searching for information to be used for public school teenagers who I am about to give a small talk on depression and CBT. I would like to ask for your permission to use the materials with them. Best, Alix.


  36. Dear Veronica! I found your materials very helpful: they give a comprehensive yet practical overview on how to apply the CBT techniques. Thank you for the permission to use some pieces in my trainings. Warmly from Switzerland, Marina Riedi


  37. Hi Veronica, Thank you so much for taking your time and providing all of these great resources. I would like to ask permission to use your worksheets with my clients. I won’t take and credit or reproduce them for profit. Thanks! Michelle


  38. Hi there,

    I am a graduate student in a counseling education program, and I have the opportunity to do a session with some of my peers. I would like to use some of your materials just for psycho educational purposes. Is that okay?


  39. Hi Veronica,
    I’m a clinical psychologist working at a medical centre in sunny (at the moment) Sydney and I would love to use some of your very useful material with my clients contingent on your permission.
    Kind Regards,


    • Hi Edmund. Hello to sunny Sydney from a gray rainy Dublin – great, yes, please feel free to use any of my materials in your work – as long as they are not rebranded for redistribution. Regards, Veronica


  40. Hi Veronica. I am a therapist in Michigan, USA with my own practice. The information you provide could be useful to my clients’. With your permission, I’d like to use some of your material. Thank you.


    • Hi Ericka. Yes, please feel free to use any of my materials with your clients, as long as they are not rebranded for redistribution. And watch out for my book of worksheets and handouts for therapists that should be released this summer by Ullyses Press. (And if you get a chance to let me know which materials you like and what you’d like more of, that would be great). Thanks and regards, Veronica


  41. Hi Veronica
    Found your cbt material and handouts very helpful and would like to use them with some of my clients with your permission,
    AIdeen Cudmore


    • Hi Aideen. Yes, please feel free to use any of my materials with your clients, as long as they are not rebranded for redistribution. And watch out for my book of worksheets and handouts for therapists that should be released this summer by Ullyses Press. (And if you get a chance to let me know which materials you like and what you’d like more of, that would be great). Thanks and regards, Veronica


  42. Hello Veronica, I am in Georgia, USA. Found your site while searching information. Would like to use some of your materials with my clients with your permission. Thank you in advance, Kim


  43. Hi Veronica, I’m a new therapist with some CBT training, but looking for handouts to use with my clients. Your site is such a great resource, and I’m hoping that you will allow me to use your materials with them. Thank you!


  44. Hi Veronica,

    I woud very much like to use your free resources with my clients, no reprint or redistribution purely for client use please?
    Thanks so much for providing such a great resource.


    Liked by 1 person

  45. Hi Veronica – I am a grief and loss counselor. I discovered your resource page and would love to use the resources you have posted with my clients. Please let me know if I have your permission. Thanks for curating a wonderful collection of CBT resources. – Diane


    • Hi Diane. Thank you, and you’re welcome – please feel free to use any of my materials with your clients (as long as they are not rebranded/sold). And feel free to stay in touch, and maybe tell me the worksheets that work and what you’d like more of. Best regards, Veronica


  46. Good afternoon Veronica,
    I have in the process of starting a new Medically Assisted Treatment program. I am requesting permission to utilize some of your worksheets.
    I would also be willing to keep you updated on the success of our program.
    I am a license psychotherapist with substance abuse and forensics specialties in Wisconsin. Thank you again.


  47. I am an adult education teacher in Florida. I help inmates at the local county jail earn a General Education Diploma, and I incorporate life skills into the program. I would love to use the worksheets when and if it applies to what we are learning.


    • Hi. Yes, great – please feel free to use any of my materials – and to stay in touch… I’d love to know what works and is useful, and any ideas for new psycho-educational student worksheet topics you’d like. Best regards, Veronica


  48. Hi Veronica,

    I’m so excited to have come across your CBT worksheets. I’m a CBT therapist who incorporates DBT skills into my practice. I’d like to request your permission to use your worksheets with my clients.

    Thank you!
    Mariadonna Litwak


    • Hi Mariadonna. Great – am delighted you like them. Yes please feel free to used any of my materials as long as they are not rebranded and redistributed for profit. Good luck. Regards, Veronica


  49. Hello Veronica. Thank you for making these available. I am a Canadian counselling student and would love to include your Blank ABCD form guide in a group process project I am doing. It is mock up of a group therapy series. Will only be used on my classmates. Obviously no commercial interest or income coming from its inclusion in my assignment. Could I use it?


  50. My I have permission to use your resources (no rebranding and no profit) for my clients? Thanks in advance,


  51. Hello Veronica,

    I love in Nigeria and I Am working with a client on CBT. I would like to make use of your work sheets if that is okay with you? I would appreciate it a lot

    Thank you.


  52. Hi Veronia,
    I would like to you use your wonderful worksheets in practice with some of my clients (outpatient individual therapy). Would this be alright?



    • Hi Ursula. Great, yes please feel free to use any or all of my materials with your clients (as long as they are not rebranded for redistribution). I’ll be adding more work at the end of the summer when I get a little time – do feel free to let me know if there’s any particular area you would like more extensive handouts or worksheets on. Best regards, Veronica


  53. Hi Veronica
    I would like to use your worksheets with clients please. I did find some information last year on the Fear of Public speaking written by you which was invaluable when working with clients who have this anxiety. Thanks Sally


  54. Hi Veronica. I would like permission to use your information for individual therapy! I do a lot of CBT and have not found a lot of great resources for clients Great information and resources!



  55. Hi Veronica, I am just setting up practice and am sourcing resources to use and your worksheets look great. Would it be ok if I download some to use? Thanks


    • Hi Jacquie – thank you! I’m delighted you like them. Please feel free to use anything and everything on my site, (as long as they’re not rebranded for redistribution). And do look me up! Regards, Veronica


        • Hi. I purchase most of my royalty free images, including the brain ones, from http://www.dreamstime.com (for my use only – I cannot share them, that would be illegal – users need to register and purchase themselves. Images are approx €15 each depending on resolution required, whether low res for web, or high res for web and print…). I soup up some of my images, adding my own text and whatnot – you’re welcome to save and use them from my site once you legally own the core graphic. Regards, Veronica


  56. Hello Veronica – I live in north central Florida, and have been in practice about 4 years (Licensed Marriage and Family Therapy.) Also I find that many clients like to work on psychodynamic insight therapy, I tell them all the time that while insight is great, I haven’t seen it motivate an awful lot of change. CBT seems to make change easier to achieve, and your worksheets are stunning. May I share them with my clients? Thanks so much! I will not redistribute nor rebrand them. (Promise!)


  57. Hi Veronica! I have been a therapist in the US for about 12 years, but am only now really exploring CBT. I’m fascinated by it! May I use some of your handouts to work with clients? They’re so hard to find inline, but you have some great ones! Also hard to find them and copy them from books. ;/

    Thank you so much for providing these to people like me who could really benefit from having one place to go to to find them!


    Liked by 1 person

  58. Thank you so very much for making this content available online. A family member of mine doesn’t have the proper insurance to partake in any CBT or DBT programs. I truly feel that these work sheets/ articles, and a little effort on her end may finally give way to a more healthier relationship between us.
    Again, Thank You so much! Ur awesome! Lol


  59. Hi Veronica I’d like to use your documents in my psychology private practice for my clients here in Australia. There will be no further rebranding or redistribution as requested. Thank you in advanve


  60. Hello. I just wanted to say Thank you for the free worksheets and self help guides.. I have been diagnosed with SUD, Bi Polar, and Generalized anxiety disorder.. I also have problems with depression. This website helps me tremendously. God bless you.


    • Hi Patience. I’m delighted they’re helpful to you! Thank you for letting me know, it’s really helpful to know I’m on the right track. Note:I’ll be updating the downloads soon… Regards, Veronica


    • Thank you – I’m delighted you find them of use.
      Yes please feel free to use any of my materials with clients, as long as they are not rebranded and redistributed.
      And feel free to sign up to follow the blog, I’ll be updating my handouts very soon.
      Best regards, Veronica Walsh


  61. Ms. Walsh, thank you for your site! I would like to request permission to use your handouts with clients in therapy! : )


  62. Pingback: A CBT look at Perfectionism and the Female Executive | Veronica Walsh's CBT Blog Dublin, Ireland

  63. Hi Veronica!

    I’m a therapist and I’d love to use your resources, with your permission, with my clients. Thanks so much.


  64. Hi Veronica, I am a therapist and, with your permission, I would love to use the resources you have on your blog. Thanks so much for the effort you’ve put into creating the worksheets!


    • Hi Emily. Great – please feel free to use any of my material – (as long as they are not re-branded/redistributed for profit). And feel free to stay in touch. Best regards, Veronica


    • Hi Mark. Great – please feel free to use any of my materials with your clients – (as long as they are not re-branded/redistributed for profit). And feel free to stay in touch. Best regards, Veronica Walsh


  65. Pingback: CBT Worksheets: Where to find free CBT Handouts - Info Counselling

  66. Hi Veronica

    I love your site, and your worksheets look fab and very user friendly. May I please use some of them?

    Kind Regards

    Yvonne x


    • Hi Yvonne. Thank you, delighted! Yes, please feel free to use my materials with your clients, as long as they’re not rebranded/redistributed under that brand for profit. And stay in touch. Best regards, Veronica


  67. Dear Veronica thank you so much for graciously sharing your work. I work with adult survivors of childhood abuse and am looking forward to sharing some of the worksheets talking about the inner critic. Particularly like the body aspect being included in your work as so much of trauma work connects up with the somatic.

    Take care,


    • HI Sherry. Yes, please feel free to use any materials you like – as long as they are not re-branded and redistributed under that brand and/or for profit. And remember to sign up for new alerts. Mind yourself, regards, Veronica


    • Hi Valen. Well, I think you are my first ‘Witches’. What a delight! Yes of course please feel free to use any materials you want (as long as they are not rebranded and redistributed for profit. Best regards, Veronica


    • Hi Graham. Yes, please feel free to use whatever materials you like (as long as there is no rebrand or redistribution). And feel free to sign up for alerts of new posts, and to stay in touch. Regards, Veronica


  68. Hi Veronica – thank you so much. Your blog and handouts are absolutely spot on. I am a psychotherapist working on the South coast of England. Please may I use some of your material to offer my private practice clients? I would very much appreciate it if I were able to download and print some ofyour handouts.
    Many thanks


    • Hi Jan Great, thanks, I’m delighted you like them! Yes, please feel free to use whatever materials you like (once they are not rebranded /redistributed). Feel free to sign up for alerts and to stay in touch. Regards, Veronica


  69. Hello, I would like your permission to use your resources with my clients. No redistribution! Just personal use with my clients.


  70. I am a therapist in a residential program in Michigan for adolescent males and would like permission to use your materials (no rebrand or redistribution) crediting you. We always give credit/sources in any material we use that is not our. Thank you.


  71. Hi Veronica, I am a Marriage and Family Therapists in Florida and provide supervision for therapists who are new to the field and working toward licensure. So often they are lacking in EB techniques that actually work for clients. I would love to be able to share your materials with them for use with their community mental health clients, as is with no re-branding or redistributing. Do you approve? Thanks!


    • Hi Lisa. I do approve! Please feel free to use anything you like. (And note, I’m available for Skype Q&A sessions if your team would like a fun and fast brain picking / brainstorming session). Stay in touch. Regards, Veronica


  72. Good Day Veronica,

    I am a substance abuse therapist working in South Florida. I love to use CBT with my clients, and with myself. With the condition that I will not use them in anyway for profit or rebrand them may I have permission to use these worksheets? I also refer clients to your site as part of their aftercare.
    Twyla Pumroy


  73. Hi Veronica, I have been looking over you’re site and feel I must congratulate you on the self help sheets, they make it so easy to understand. I’m on a CBT Diploma right now in my second year and wondered if I could have permission to use some of the sheets. I have a client who, although has anxiety and is a lovely person, I feel she is a people pleaser and though she says she understands what we’re working through I get the feeling from her vague feedback that she is struggling. You’re sheets are just what I need to simplify the process for her and give her a better understanding of her anxiety (flight or fight) sheet especially it says everything I have struggled to help her with. I can assure you the brand will never be changed and they won’t be used for profit only to help others through practice. I hope to hear from you soon kind regards JP


  74. Hi Veronica
    Greetings from Autralia! I am a mental health counsellor and also delivers training to workplaces about mental health. I am currently looking at delivering some in-house training for our organisation ( non-government not for profit it) about managing stress by using some basic principles of CBT . Your worksheets are amazing and I would love to use of it for some practical exercises as we do our staff development day! Would this be OK to do please?


    • Hi Lourene. Thanks! Great – yes please feel free to use any of my materials, once the branding stays and is credited, and they are no repackaged for re-distribution or use under another brand. Regards, Veronica


  75. Veronica – The worksheets on your website are wonderful! I am a licensed counselor in Florence, SC (USA). Would it be okay to use these worksheets with my patients?


    • Hi Mary Elizabeth. Thank you! And yes, please use whatever materials you like, and feel free to stay in touch and give feedback. (Permission depends on no rebrand/redistribution for profit). Regards, Veronica


  76. Hi Veronica
    Im a therapist and would like to request permission to use your resources. Thanks for a great site and really clear materials that would allow me to better serve my clients!!!


  77. Veronica,
    I’m starting out as a new registered intern to get my hours for licensure. My theory base is CBT as well and I see that you have a lot of great tools here on your site. Would you mind if I borrowed some to add to my toolbox to help clients as well? It would help so much!


  78. Dear Veronica
    Thank you so much for your generosity in sharing your website/handouts and information. I teach in a psychiatric nursing program and now with your permission will be suggesting this site to students. So very helpful and practical.


  79. Veronica offers a lifetime of valuable information. How generous of you to share your well researched modality and practical worksheets. It is my privilege to bring your brand to clients in SA as part of my self-regulation training programme


  80. Veronica,

    The information that you have provided is very versatile and progressive. Both good qualities. The handouts are often hard to come by for material that is authentic and practical to use. I thank you for allowing me to implement some of the material in the work that I and others are engaged in. I wish you the very best in your continual efforts!


  81. Thank you for providing such a wide and usefull collection of therapy materials. I am always looking for handouts and worksheets to supplement my therapy groups and you have provided an immense resource.


  82. Hi Veronica,
    I am in private practice and would love to recommend your website and share your handouts with my clients. Would you please give me permission to do so?


  83. Hi Veronica! I live in Buffalo NY and love your site. I would really like to be able to share your articles and handouts with my clients (I’m in private practice working in partnership with an ob/gyn practice – my clients are adult women, many of them with perinatal mood and anxiety disorders). Would you be so kind as to give me permission to do so?


  84. Veronica, It is nice to find such a useful Blog post with so much CBT supportive documentation. I would like to recommend the page to my clients and use your materials with them, if that is ok.


  85. Hi Veronica,
    Thank you for your wonderful CBT site and useable information.
    I’m wondering may I use your printouts with my counselling clients.
    Kind regards



  86. Hi Veronica: I work with correctional clients in a small mid-west town in the US. and stumbled on your site by accident. Love it and would love to use your materials with my clients.


    • Hi Karen. Great, please feel free to use any of my materials, as long as they are not re-branded and or redistributed for profit. And I’d be delighted if you stayed in touch and let me know how they work out. Best regards, Veronica


  87. Hi Veronica. I work with young people in Carrickfergus and was hoping you might allow me to use your ‘silencing the inner critic’ download with a client? I’ve just discovered this site and it is a really great resource, thanks for your hard work.


  88. I’m an LCSW in U.S. working in private practice. Psychoeducation is important for clients, & I often provide materials clients can take with. Your resources will be great for this! Also, your worksheets will be helpful for use during session & for homework between sessions. Thank you


  89. Hello, Veronica:

    I am a licensed clinical specialist social worker in Wichita, Kansas. I work with juveniles and want to get them started using cognitive behavioral therapy. I would really like to use some of your worksheets to assist them. May I do so? I will not be selling or profiting in any way from them. Thank you. Beverly Goering, LSCSW


  90. Dear Veronica, I work as a guided CBT self-help worker, as well as an integrative therapist and I was delighted to come across your website. It’s well-researched, effective and generous with the right dose of humour thrown in! Our team is looking forward to using them with our patients. Thanks.


  91. Hi veronica I have just found your blog and very informative it is to I would like to use the worksheets if that’s possible I am a second year student and this would help me with my recent case studies and placement plans. many thanks janet


  92. I am an outreach worker with Canadian Mental Health Association worker with adults 55+. After taking an introductory CBT course, some of our Clients approached me to facilitate more CBT sessions. After some research, I found your worksheets online, received permission to use them and started a group. There are 6 participants in the group and we have been meeting weekly for 3 months to work through the handouts together.

    The participants would like to share the following comments:
    We are a mixed group of retired citizens who have taken many introductory CBT seminars over the years. This course is different in that we apply, apply, apply the techniques. This constant practice is changing the way we think and feel (for the better).

    We like the versatility of the program and the ability to set our own pace, to backtrack if needed. Setting our own pace allows us the opportunity to support each others journaling and offer helpful suggestions.

    The group setting has created an atmosphere of trust where we feel we can share deeply personal problems and receive constructive nonjudgmental feedback from the other members.

    We look forward to our weekly meeting and are committed to continuing this healing and helpful experience.

    Thank you.


  93. Hello, your website is a great find. I work as a school psychologist in Suffolk County New York. I was asked to create a brief presentation on CBT for work. Your website is a great professional resource. Thank you for all your great worksheets and audio files for relaxation. ~ Carolyn Walsh


  94. What a wonderful website, Thank you for all these amazing resources. I would like to ask your permission to use these resources with my clients who struggle with anxiety and stress. Thank you.
    PS I do research in the field of connectedness to nature. I am working on a publication currently that looks at the effects of connectedness to nature and psychological well-being. Have you come in touch with any literature that combines CBT & nature?


    • Hi Heidi. Great, please feel free to use my materials, as long as they are not rebranded and/or redistributed. Re. CBT and nature, well any good third wave holistic careplan should include mindfulness and acceptance, and living in the present, which includes communing with ‘nature’ and the living experience I guess. Outside of that, no I’m afraid I am of no use to you. Regards, Veronica


  95. Hello Veronica. I am a student/ intern and would love to use this to help some people in group if I may. I look forward to learning the material and applying it to things in my own life as well. Thanks for the information and the material in a way that makes sense. Thank you.


  96. Hi Veronica,

    I stumbled upon a link to your website while searching for more information on thought stopping techniques as I worked on a treatment plan. I’m feeling weary and drained from the workload and sometimes when it happens I look for information to educate myself and spark my thinking wheels. Your website did just that!! I was able to find the wording I needed to articulate interventions available to the client for inclusion in the treatment plan. After reviewing some of your worksheets, I’d like to use them with clients as written exercises in sessions. Their use would not include any modifications to the document. If permitted to use them, I’ll eventually have the time to circle back to your website and select worksheets to share in session. Please let me know when you are able to. Thank you.


  97. This is a great resource. I am a school social worker and work with many adolescents struggling with anxiety, depression, and STRESS. I’d like your permission to use some of your resources with my students. Thanks very much.


  98. Thank you Veronica for taking the time to compile and share these worksheets! I am a beginning therapist working in a small Community Mental Health program in Plymouth, NH. These worksheets are not only useful in working with clients but also in grounding me in CBT Skills and concepts helping my clients grow as well as myself professionally. Having a free resource is a breath of fresh air in a career that can be rewarding but not highly paid. Please continue your wonderful work! Thank you very much! Michelle


  99. Hi Veronica,
    I am a mental health professional working in a school setting. I would love to have permission to use your worksheets with my clients.


  100. Hello, Veronica. I work as a behavioral health social worker for an integrated health clinic. May I have permission to use your worksheets in my individual and group therapy sessions? Thank you!


  101. Hello, I work in a Psych Rehab Day program and was wondering if I could get permission to use your worksheets during groups with clients. Thank you


  102. Hello Veronica, I was blessed to find your worksheets. I am a drug and alcohol counselor at a very small treatment program. We purposely keep it small (6-8 clients) in order to keep it client-centered. I would very much appreciate permission to use your worksheets with my clients. Thank you


    • Hi. Great, please feel free to use whatever materials you like from my site. As long as they are not rebranded and/or redistributed for profit. Hope they give good outcomes! Good luck and regards, Veronica


  103. I cant download is there any way I get the stuff I need sent to me in the mail. Im trying to get any information on cognitive behavioral therapy worksheets or publications. Thank you


    • Hi Denise. No, sorry, I do not print or mail. But my downloads are basic .pdf documents, so if you download Adobe Acrobat Reader you should be able to open them. OR – you can visit an internet cafe and open and print them. OR – you can buy any number of CBT self help books in local bookshops or on amazon.com. Hope that helps. Mind yourself, Veronica Walsh.


  104. Hi Veronica, I am in my residency for psychiatry and learning to do CBT with a patient suffering from PTSD. I’d love your permission to use these!


  105. Hey! I just found your page. I love the information and would like to print some to use with my clients. I will make sure the material is not re-branded and it will not be distributed for profit.


  106. Thank you, Veronica, for giving me permission to use your wonderfully constructed CBT handouts with my clients! Your lightning fast response to my email request was greatly appreciated! Best wishes in all you do! Holly from Michigan, USA


  107. Hi Veronica, Thanks for permission to use your handouts. I am a substance abuse counselor and they are helpful for coaching people in replacing the old ways with some helpful more healthy ways of coping and celebrating. Thanks for sharing your expertise and your work.


  108. Hi Veronica, I have just discovered your website, and am really excited by what I have read so far. I work as a school counsellor and some of the resources would be great to use with the students. Is it okay if I do so?


    • Hi. Great, yes, please feel free to use whatever you need (as long as the materials are not rebranded and redistributed/sold for profit). Sign up for new alerts, I’ll be posting some new stuff from my student workbook soon. Best regards, Veronica


  109. Hi Veronica, I would like to request your permission to use these resources created by yourself. They seem great and my clients would most definitely benefit from using them. I will not re-brand or redistribute/sale for profit.



  110. Wonderful resources. Thank you for the worksheets I have just started using them with clients and they are very helpful.


  111. Thank you for so generously sharing your excellent materials. I look forward to using them with my clients. The information is concise and the examples make it easy to grasp the concepts.


  112. Hi Veronica
    Im a therapist and would like to request permission to use your resources. Thanks for a great site and really clear materials.


  113. Thank you, Veronica! I work as an RDAP counselor in an Oklahoma prison, and your materials have been some of the most useful that I’ve found. I’ve begun using them to supplement the program that we are required to use, and I enjoy them very much. Thanks again!


  114. Veronica, I am a student attempting to run an experiment for a cognitive psych course, can I use your “common thinking errors” worksheet as one of my IV’s? Thank you , Chris N.


  115. Thanks Veronica for producing such helpful and easy to understand handouts. They will be great to give out to my clients! I’m so grateful for your generosity in allowing others to use them.


  116. Hi Veronica – thank you for the time and effort you put into making such a nice resource! I appreciate that you have graciously made these available for other clinicians to use with your permission. I greatly look forward to using these in my practice!


  117. Hello Veronica! I love the materials yhou have put together here and would love to use them in my sessions. Sheryl Williamson, LPC Candidate


  118. Hello Veronica,

    I am a student intern at an addiction recovery treatment center. I am starting to meet with clients individually and in groups by myself and am looking for good CBt handouts. Did you make all of them? They are wonderful! Do I have permission to use them with my clients? Thanks!



  119. Thanks for the resources, I have found them interesting and most helpful. I am new to this therapy but it is helping me deal with my anxieties relating to my sons hobbies.


  120. Hi Veronica,
    I’m a Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor in private practice. I really like the handout/worksheets you post on Pinterest, especially CBT. Would you mind if I use some of them with my clients? I think they would be very beneficial. Thank you!!!
    All the Best,


  121. Veronica, May I use your worksheet for therapy? They will not be rebranded or used for profit (I work for a non profit agency), all credit will be given to you :). Thanks Amanda Hart


  122. Hi Veronica,
    I am a Transformational Life Coach, I teach workshops and continuing education classes, some of these forms would add to my classes, may I use them with my students please.
    Thank you for sharing these forms!


  123. Hey there! I would like your permission to use your resources with my clients. No redistribution! Just personal use with my clients 🙂


  124. Hi. I would like permission to use your information with my anxiety groups. I will not re-brand or redistribute/sale for profit. Such good stuff!


  125. Pingback: New Treatments For Depression » Blog Archive Free Depression Therapy Worksheets

  126. Pingback: New Treatments For Depression » Blog Archive Cognitive Therapy For Depression Worksheets

  127. Veronica, Once again, thank you for your generosity of spirit and your willingness to share your amazing resources. I have shared some of the CBT handouts with clients and am getting very positive responses!


  128. Veronica,
    Thanks for sharing your knowledge and expertise in the form of such useful handouts and worksheets. I run an IOP for people on disability with emotional/behavioral health issues; much of our curriculum is based on CBT. So having some of your materials to share really adds to the program!

    Eleanor Goodwin, LPC-I
    Green Oaks Outpatient Services
    Plano, TX


  129. Veronica – thank you so much for putting these together. You have no idea how many times I have done these explanations on the white board with patients and/or variations in notebooks. I appreciate your sharing.
    Holly Joubert, Psy.D.
    Sunlight Center for Change
    Tucson, Arizona

    Liked by 1 person

  130. Hi Veronica Thank you so much Wow!! a lot of information your a gift for me today.
    In Calif. Do you have any CBT material related to the Faith Base Community of women men and youth ,adding scripture and/reference. If Please email me when you get a chance Thank you in advance


  131. Veronica, a huge THANK YOU is sent your way from North Dakota, for allowing the use of your cognitive-behavioral therapy handouts with clients:) Gratefully, Michelle

    Liked by 1 person

  132. These handouts are wonderful, thank you so much for posting them online, and the fact that they are free to download and use! I am a therapist in a group home for teenage boys, and these are very helpful!

    Liked by 1 person

  133. Thanks so much for the use of these handouts. They are very well done and easy to share with clients. I’ve had success already using them with my adolescent clients!

    Liked by 1 person

  134. I like the way you have packaged the CBT information and they will augment the current handouts I use with my clients. The handouts are easily understood and will resonate with my clients.


  135. Thanks so much for use of the resources listed! I was looking for worksheets and other resources for a Trauma focused group that I am facilitating, and was given permission within a few minutes of e-mailing! These resources are vital for the group, and will be incredibly useful tools for other clients and clinicians. I will be telling all of my fellow clinicians about this resource!

    Liked by 1 person

  136. Hi Veronica,
    Thanks for the resources. I am in practice in Ottawa anada and have been looking for user friendly handouts that clients can use for discussion and homework. much appreciated.

    Liked by 1 person

  137. Hi! I hope it is okay… I put a link to this blog post in my blog post today (misspelled, so corrected url via comment.) Thank you for making this information available. Just reading over a couple of the worksheets has given me more hope for recovery than my sessions with a psychologist.

    Liked by 1 person

  138. Thank you Veronica. I live in Pennsylvania, USA. I have been spending the last several weeks looking for free downloads regarding DBT and CBT. It is hard to find free information. These links are GREAT. Easy to read and understand. I have BPD and Bipolar and am greatful to everyone willing to give information freely. Most people with mental illness don’t have much money and it can be hard to afford workbooks for self study. Thank you so much. ~Elizabeth

    Liked by 1 person

  139. Thankyou Veronica i live in the waterford area and its sooooooooooooo difficult to find someone who does CBT without hours of other therapy. Your site is a God send.
    Thanks so much

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you Veronica for taking the time to compile and share these worksheets free of charge. I work in a small Community Mental Health program in Plymouth, NH. As a beginning therapist, this is not only the best resource to use in teaching CBT Skills but also helps stretch my abilities and understanding in order to better assist my clients. Thank you so much! Michelle

      Liked by 1 person

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